Container House, Wooden Swing, Portable Toilet, Portable Cabin, Portable Security Cabin, etc. Available in Compatible and Durable Designs.
Building a structure of stones, bricks and concrete consumes a lot of time in fabrication and are also non-portable. In comparison to these structures are prefabricated structures which are made using light in weight but strong materials like FRP, Pre-cast Reinforced Concrete and Steel Panels and are portable. Prefabricated structures are much liked by modern people because of less time consumption in making and replacement, decreased maintenance cost, eco-friendliness, reduction in site disruption and many other reasons.
So, to benefit modern people with modular in construction prefabricated structure, we, Smartway Build Systems, came into existence in 2017. We are a manufacturer, trader and supplier. We are expert in manufacturing Container House, Wooden Swing, Portable Toilet, Portable Cabin, Portable Security Cabin, etc. and a wide variety of prefabricated structures. Every structure is carefully built both on and off site and is safely shipped to final location by our experts team.
Customization Facility
In the field of prefabrication, customization is a must which is why we are rendering customization facility. Using this facility, customers can get a prefab cabin, washroom and other structures of required type, size and design. Customers before placing orders are advised to give their specifications as per which they want prefab to be made and we, using the information make ther required prefab.
Our People
The production of modern and unique prefabricated structures requires dedication to turn thoughts of customers into reality and talent to bring newness in old age designs. At Prefab Tycoons, we feel really blessed to have such experts who are talented, dedicated, diligent and creative. We currently have 50 employees in which 2 are designers and 10 are engineers. All the employees work as per company's policies and set norms so that a quality range of Industrial Portable Cabins and Prefabricated Office Cabin is provided to customers at scheduled time.
Reasons to Choose Us
We are a promising name in prefabrication field which is delivering to customers well-designed prefabricated structures at attractive rates.
We have a very spacious unit for fabricating and storing prefab.
We personalize our services to meet modern customers demands.
Our offered structures are durable, unique in design, climate compatible and comfortable.